Get to know us!
Since 1816, the purpose of the Women's Bible Society of New York has been to spread God's eternal Word to the people of the City through public proclamation, teaching, and distribution of the Bible.
We accomplish our mission through Grants, Camp Scholarships, Bible distribution, and events.
We desire to spread the gospel throughout New York City to all people groups.
The Women’s Bible Society of New York is one of the oldest Christian organizations in continuous operation in the State of New York. The Society began in 1816 amid economic downturn and escalating immigration following the War of 1812. On Saturday, May 11, 1816, nearly 400 women met at City Hall, having founded The New York Female Auxiliary Bible Society.
The earliest efforts of the New York Female Auxiliary Bible Society focused on visitation of the poor and the provision of Bibles. As the city expanded, it became impossible to accomplish the work solely by volunteers, and Bible Readers, an idea adapted from The London Bible Mission, were hired.
Today, the Women’s Bible Society of New York continues its ministry of proclaiming and providing God’s timeless Word through the work of its camp scholarships, grants, and events.
1816 - Four hundred women — sisters, wives, and mothers of the founders of American Bible Society — took on the distribution and teaching of the Bible as the New York Female Auxiliary Bible Society.
1830s - Churches began to aid in this effort in the city-wide gospel effort.
1861 - The first Bible Reader was hired. Records show that during the first two weeks more than 450 families were visited.
1861-65 - Bibles were given to soldiers during the Civil War.
1870s-1890s - An increased number of Bible Readers reached out to immigrants. One Bible Reader reported the distribution of scriptures in seventeen different languages in one month.
1877 - Incorporated as a women’s Bible society.
1900s - Support of Christian organizations expanded our reach to children, teens, college and international students, United Nations delegates, the hospitalized, Russian immigrants, and others.
1994 - Added public transit campaigns to share scripture and offer free Bibles, partnering with city churches.
2014 - Began supplying Grants to New York based ministries.
In 2014 Women’s Bible Society began, in addition to its ongoing ministry of camp scholarships and Bible distribution, the funding of ministry grants to projects aligned with its mission. Last year we approved 7 grants, funding diverse projects throughout New York City, from youth after school programs in Harlem to bible studies with students in Queens.
Our grant application cycle begins in the fall. Organizations seeking funding are asked to contact us then with details about their organization and work. In late fall, we decide which organizations will be invited to submit grants by filing out a pre-application due in early January. This process is followed by a detailed grant proposal application due late February for organizations which pass the pre-screening– with final decisions on grants made in May. Projects seeking grants must meet the grant criteria provided below:
1. Projects covered by any application for funds must align with the mission of the Women’s Bible Society (“WBS”) (as stated in its charter) to spread God’s eternal word to the people of New York City through public proclamation, teaching and distribution of the Bible.
2. An organization submitting a grant request should be classified as a non-church ministry partner with 501(c)(3) status under the IRS code.
3. Applications should seek funds for specific projects that relate to WBS’s mission. Grants will not be made to fund an organization’s on-going operating budget.
4. Applicants who are invited to apply for a grant and may submit no more than two requests in a one-year grant cycle with the understanding that only one request is likely to be funded.
5. WBS will consider but not guarantee continuing funding for the same project in a following grant year. Grant requests for the same project may not exceed three consecutive years.
6. Prospective grant applicants must submit a completed grant application provided by WBS by the deadlines set forth by the Board containing all the information called for in the grant application. Incomplete applications will not be considered by WBS Board of Managers nor will those which arrive after the deadline.
7. Applications must include a clear description of the proposed project with a detailed project budget and with specific focus on how many people the project seeks to reach and an explanation of how the project will further the WBS mission.
8. Applicants must also provide their most recent 990 tax return and audited financials send all items asked for and answer all questions in the grant application.
9. Current Board Members will recuse themselves from the evaluation and voting for any grant which presents a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.
10. In the event that WBS approves and funds a grant, the recipient organization must provide the Board with an informal telephone update in early fall of the year in which the grant was awarded. WBS will include a Grant Evaluation Form when the grant is made and also send an evaluation form in late fall. This form must be filled out and returned by November 15 in the year the grant is made. An updated version of this form that detail’s the use of grant funds must also be filed with the Board when the project is complete.
11. In the event of any change in the project or inability to undertake or complete the project as described, the organization must contact the Board as soon as possible. Any change to any uses of funds must receive Board approval. Any funds that are not used in accordance with the grant application or approved by the Board shall be returned to the WBS.
12. An organization will not be invited to submit grants in the future and no new grants will be made to an organization that is delinquent in providing timely updates to the Board, informing the Board of any changes to the uses of funds for the Grant and completing the Grant Evaluation Form in accordance with the Board’s requirements.
The following is a timetable for the WBS’s action on grants for an upcoming cycle:
Although many of us do not think of a week at camp as the opportunity of a lifetime, for many New York City children, the ability to leave the city for a week away is the chance of a lifetime!
Every summer Women’s Bible Society helps children from New York City attend an unforgettable and often life-changing week at a Christian camp. This year we will provide scholarships for city youth to the following camps: Student Venture, FOCUS, and Kids with a Promise (Mont Lawn Camp).
As you make your summer plans, we hope that you will consider partnering with us to give as many children an opportunity to explore, play, swim, study the Bible, and discover God in a setting outside their urban lives. It costs approximately $400 to underwrite one week at these quality Christian camps.
Please consider sending one child to camp for a week – but certainly anything you are able to give will make a difference! Providing the financial support for these kids could be your opportunity of a lifetime.
We offer Bibles primarily to New York City children who attend one of our sponsored camps: Student Venture, Mont Lawn Camp, FOCUS camp, and New Life. Bibles may be requested by contacting us at Please note that we do not ship Bibles overseas.
There are no current events planned at this time.
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